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Italy Home


Welcome to the Italian national EURAXESS portal

We provide information and assistance to mobile PhDs and researchers – by means of this portal and with the support of our national EURAXESS Centres. 

This portal contains practical information concerning professional and daily life, as well as information on job and funding opportunities. The Centres help researchers and their family to plan and organise their move to a foreign country, providing assistance in all matters related to mobility.

All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. 


Give your career a boost

You can find thousands of job offers, funding opportunities and get free assistance when changing countries for work. Join the many researchers who have already taken advantage of EURAXESS and boost your career!

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EURAXESS - Researchers in motion


Maximise your potential

Have you got a great idea? Do you need help developing it? You can find partners in business and academia to help you get started and find out about patents, funding and more.

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Find the best research talent

Are you looking for someone to join your research team? You can post your vacancies, look through CVs, and create partnerships on EURAXESS.



Add talent to your team

Find and recruit the best entrepreneurs and researchers from all disciplines across the world.


don't wast your talent


Euraxess Centres in Italy

Italian EURAXESS Centres

The Italian EURAXESS Centres and Local Contact Points provide free and customized assistance to all mobile researchers and their families seeking advice on issues related to their relocation across borders.

Watch the video on EURAXESS Italy and find out more...

Italian EURAXESS Centres

Eures Italy
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