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NEWS8 Nov 2023open call

ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs


The ERA TALENT project

The ERA TALENT project aims at further developing the services provided by the EURAXESS network, through the reforming of its structure, with the aim to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career trajectories for them in academia, industry, business, the public and the non-governmental sectors. The project is also aiming to pave the way for integrating EURAXESS in the ERA Talent Platform, the forthcoming web portal of the European Commission comprehensively supporting researchers in their career development within the European Research Area, connecting researchers and institutions, and improving employability, talent absorption and mobility schemes.

Scope of the call

The ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs will offer distinct, targeted financial support to parties that are EURAXESS members but do not directly participate in the ERA TALENT project as beneficiaries.

To ensure impact across the entire EURAXESS network and benefitting all five hubs, in this call up to 25 small-scale projects will be selected.

The total budget for the call is 592,000.00 €. Proposals may be funded up to 23,780 € each (including indirect costs).

Eligibility criteria

The list of eligible countries for this call ( is included in Annex 2.

EURAXESS membership (at any level) supported by a Declaration of Commitment signed and duly countersigned by the relevant institutions before 01.09.2022 is required.

Application form

The online application form is available here:

The template for the project budget, to be attached to the application, is available here:

The pdf version of the application form is available here: 

Please note that the pdf version of the form is for assistance only. Applicants must submit their application online.

Guide for Applicants

The Guide for Applicants is intended as complementary assistance for applicants of the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) call published by the ERA TALENT Project. The document describes the context of the call as important background information for the applicants, as well as the five EURAXESS hubs targeted by the FSTP call in detail. The Guide is available here:

Call update

Info session on the ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs will be held on 27 November. More information here:

Recording of the session / Slides

In addition, each hub will be organising their own information session. These sessions target centres with a minimal idea of which hub they want to link their application with but in need of more detailed information to start drafting their application. Therefore the sessions will

  • introduce each hub in detail and
  • discuss how call applicants may be linked to the respective hub’s activities.

Here is the list of sessions:

  • Research careers beyond academia hub: 4 December 2023, 11:00 | Slides | Video
  • EURAXESS Start-up hub: 5 December 2023, 15:00 | Slides
  • Researcher careers in academia hub: 7 December 2023, 11:00  | Slides 
  • Hub supporting talent circulation: 12 December 2023, 11:00 | Slides | Video 
  • EURAXESS Science 4 Refugees hub: 14 December 2023, 10:00 | Slides Video  

List of funded projects


Applicant organisation

Targeted EURAXESS hub

1Academy of Economic Studies of MoldovaEURAXESS Startup Hub
2Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de RecercaResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
3Association Bernard GregoryEURAXESS Science 4 Refugees Hub
4Bizkaia TalentResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
5Center of Plant Systems Biology and BiotechnologyTalent Circulation Hub
6Fondazione Edmund MachResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
7Foundation for research and technologyEURAXESS Startup Hub
8Goeteborgs universitetResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
9Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A.Researcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
10Linköping UniversityResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
11Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Career CenterResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
12Macedonian Academy of Sciences and ArtsEURAXESS Startup Hub
13swissuniversities (former CRUS)Researcher Careers in Academia Hub
14The Careers Research and Advisory CentreResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
15Università di Camerino Researcher Careers in Academia Hub
16Universitat BaselEURAXESS Startup Hub
17Universitè de LiegeResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
18University of IcelandResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
19University of KragujevacEURAXESS Startup Hub
20University of National and World EconomyEURAXESS Startup Hub
21University of SarajevoResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
22University of Strasbourg Researcher Careers in Academia Hub
23University of the AegeanResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
24University of VaasaResearcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub
25VID Specialized UniversityResearcher Careers in Academia Hub
26Fundación IMDEA AguaResearch Careers in Academia Hub


Q: What is the indirect cost rate applicable to the budget? 

A: Indirect costs will be reimbursed at the flat-rate of 25% of the eligible direct costs, as indicated in the budget form in table 3.7.1. The form has been updated to clearly show this information. 

Q: In case the applicant institution has more than one DoC signed, which one needs to be attached to the application?

A: Some institutions may have periodically re-signed the DoC when a new version became available. In this case please attach a DoC that conforms to the eligibility criterion for the signature date, i.e. is signed before 1 September 2022.

Q: Where can applicants find more information about the EURAXESS Study Visits Programme?

A: The EURAXESS Study Visits Programme Guide has been published and is available in the Extranet Library at this link. Applicants planning to include one or more study visits in their application are kindly requested to study the Guide and ensure their plans are in compliance with it.

The ERA TALENT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101103476.

Q: How do I know that my application has been registered in the Google Form? What happens if I need to add something to my already submitted application?

A: Upon submission, the form sends an automatic reply to the e-mail address used for the logon. In case you do not receive it, please check your spam folder as well. Submitted forms may still be edited until the submission deadline. If editing is needed, we kindly ask applicants to modify their submitted form and not to create a new (parallel) one.
Optionally, the applicant may also add an e-mail address to which a copy of the submitted form will be sent (the form will ask about this). We advise applicants to use this option to receive a copy of the application for their records.

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ERA_TALENT_FSTP_guide for applicants_v1.pdf
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