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French - Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024 in Turin
We are delighted to inform about the French-Italian Day for Early Career Researchers, a unique event organized by the Association Bernard Gregory (France) and the University of Turin (Italy), with the support of the French-Italian University and the French Embassy in Italy. This onsite event will... -
Save the Date: European Jobs Day, October 4, 2024 Join online the EOJD EURES Italy at BSBF2024! This event is a unique opportunity for candidates to connect with Research Infrastructures and Industries across Europe. On October 4th, a day dedicated to career opportunities in the research sector... -
L’esperienza delle Università italiane che hanno ottenuto l’Award HR Excellence in Research dalla Commissione Europea
A seguito dell’evento nazionale “Valorizzare le carriere della ricerca. Strategie e strumenti ispirati dalla Carta Europea dei Ricercatori”, tenutosi al Politecnico di Torino il 9 novembre 2023, le 15 università italiane che hanno ottenuto l’ HR Excellence in Research Award hanno redatto un report... -
Euraxess: Resources, advice and support to reach out your career goals
Camerino 13 maggio 2024 ore 10-13 Sala Stampa del CHIP - via Madonna delle Carceri Saluti istituzionali Graziano Leoni Rettore Università di Camerino Presentazione del Service Center EURAXESS UNICAM Anna Maria Eleuteri Delegata all’Attuazione delle politiche di Ateneo per lo Spazio Europeo della... -
ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs
The ERA TALENT projectThe ERA TALENT project aims at further developing the services provided by the EURAXESS network, through the reforming of its structure, with the aim to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career trajectories for them in academia, industry... -
Bernardo Nobile Award 2022
Area Science Park announces the annual edition of the Bernardo Nobile Award dedicated to degrees or PhD thesis for giving prominence to the use of patents as a source of information or the use of data science, open data, Big Data analytics methodologies. The award is a recognition of... -
Researchers' Night 2022 - SHARPER
The NIGHT is back! SHARPER Researchers' Night event will take place on September 30th, 2022 in many italian cities (Ancona, Cagliari, Camerino, Catania, Genova, L’Aquila, Macerata, Nuoro, Palermo, Pavia, Perugia, Sassari, Terni e Trieste). Take a look to the programme (the website is... -
War in Ukraine: Area Science Park launches a call for two training/research grants open to citizens fleeing the country
Area Science Park has recently published a call for expressions of interest in two training/research grants in the areas of genomics and data management, digitisation and artificial intelligence, and sustainability and business innovation. The grants will be awarded to people who were residing... -
A heartfelt thanks to Denys and Anton
Denys and Anton are two Ukrainian researchers who have been working in Italy for many years and have been supported by EURAXESS Service Centre and Welcome Office FVG managed by Area Science Park (IT) upon their arrival and during their stay. We want to thank them for their fast support in helping... -
Supporting researchers’ intersectoral career paths for building ERA - Online conference
Virtual 2-day conference on intersectoral mobility of researchers January 19 & 20 2022 This online conference, organized within the framework of the EURAXESS initiative, will address intersectoral mobility in research careers bringing together different stakeholders. Topics such as diverse...