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Get updated information on the emergency situation in Italy
Are you going to come (or to come back) to Italy? Please be aware that, according to the country where you are living, the entry conditions may be different due to the Corona virus outbreak. Get updated information on entry conditions for travelers, moving in Italy and requirements. Read the... -
French - Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024 in Turin
We are delighted to inform about the French-Italian Day for Early Career Researchers, a unique event organized by the Association Bernard Gregory (France) and the University of Turin (Italy), with the support of the French-Italian University and the French Embassy in Italy. This onsite event will... -
FAST-TRACK COVID-19 – ENTERPRISES call for submissions
Area Science Park and Argo System have announced a second call for submission of research, development and innovation projects. New resources have been allocated to enterprises working in the research on effective drugs, new diagnostic systems, a Covid-19 vaccine as well as analytical and... -
The 2020 call is now open to early career researchers, who fulfil the following criteria: For the PhD Candidate award: Applicants should have enrolled for a PhD degree at the time of the application deadline or should have successfully defended their thesis after January 1st, 2019. For the... -
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) participates in the S4D4C project (Using Science for/in Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges), which is supporting science diplomacy as a means to foster EU´s commitments to the SDGs. Capacity building on science diplomacy among... -
Save the Date: European Jobs Day, October 4, 2024 Join online the EOJD EURES Italy at BSBF2024! This event is a unique opportunity for candidates to connect with Research Infrastructures and Industries across Europe. On October 4th, a day dedicated to career opportunities in the research sector... -
Euraxess: Resources, advice and support to reach out your career goals
Camerino 13 maggio 2024 ore 10-13 Sala Stampa del CHIP - via Madonna delle Carceri Saluti istituzionali Graziano Leoni Rettore Università di Camerino Presentazione del Service Center EURAXESS UNICAM Anna Maria Eleuteri Delegata all’Attuazione delle politiche di Ateneo per lo Spazio Europeo della... -
On July 13 EURAXESS South Koear was officially launched! More than 150 participants from research institutions and academia took part to the inaugural seminar where they had the opportunity to jointly discuss researchers mobility issues, international cooperation and joint EU-Korea projects. Furt... -
ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs
The ERA TALENT projectThe ERA TALENT project aims at further developing the services provided by the EURAXESS network, through the reforming of its structure, with the aim to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career trajectories for them in academia, industry... -
COVID-19: a questionnaire for travellers
The questionnaire has the sole purpose of providing users with general information on current rules related to travel to/from Italy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation does not retain in any way the information provided by answering each question. The questionnaire is...